Monday 3 May 2010

Feast of Conversations

Here's a belated posting of info from the symposia that was held after the Aroma Diner at Twenty For Harper Road....

Feast of Conversations Saturday 17th April 2010

Following on from Fridays Aroma Diner, (See post The Aroma Diner 12th April 2010 ) saw me re-visit Twenty For Harper Road the next day for a series of talks and workshops exploring the connections between art, politics, society, science and food.

Food and Art
Food and Politics
Food and science

My friend Immo sent me the link to this and I felt like this had been put on, just for me. Like I have said, I wanted to start a conversation about art and food from the beginning and here was the perfect opportunity to kick start my rethinking about food. What a brilliant place to start.

Anisha Jogani, (joint curator of the Aroma Diner and Feast of Conversations.) also admitted that she had set the project up so she too could learn more. So she successfully brought together a small group of talented, intelligent young individuals to share their passionate and positive thoughts on what they get up to in the world of art and food. I came away inspired and buzzing with my own thoughts and ideas. (See below for the speakers and some links and brief info.)

I realise that I need to do more........ Inspired by Synnove Fredericks, (see below) I'm thinking about hosting a lunch/dinner to encourage some foodie conversation....

I'm doing the free bee keeping course below.....
Sarah Bush artist/designer/foragermakes watercolour paints with foods, plants and flowers.
Bee keeping and an introduction to gardening courses.
Bompass and Parr

Architectural designers explore a space between food and architecture/jelly mongers.

Completely untrained in cooking, but with astounding enthusiasm they make the most brilliant jellies. I adore the idea of a gin and tonic that glows in the dark. They just seem to be really enjoying themselves.
Are they chefs or are they artists? Check out their waffle house.
Synnove Fredericks – Food cultural impresario
Working in the filed of food security, community food growing and all things gastronomical. She is part of Limina. She talked about food, society and politics, as well as herwork in Limina who curate the great feast of strangers, highlighting the importance of dinner table relationships on social and intellectual development. Discussing her work with food influences her as a designer.

She was doing lots of really imaginative work and was extremely positive and generous of spirit. Her projects were about community based sharing of food and conversation. Great.
Limina is a group of individuals who share a passion for connecting the rural wild with urban culture. Between us we have a number of special venues – including a barge in central London and several amazing places in wild and rural Britain.
Limina is a new social enterprise whose aim is to support a growing network of organisations and individuals working to build sustainable communities by providing access to rural spaces, learning journeys, events and workshops in the city.

Is an edible community garden (Ella Perkins and Owen Hodgkinson in their house in Camberwell.) and a space for gaining and sharing sustainability and growing your own food. Using permaculture. They have only just started the garden and combine (probably quite stressfully!) creating the garden with finishing their final year at Camberwell studying Product Design.

The discussion briefs were –
1. Consider a looming food crisis in London, where all our supplies were to be cut off for a month. Design a solution and create a way to uphold a sustainable food system in urban environments.

2. Consider a looming food crisis in London, where all our supplies are rationed to the most basic and necessary local ingredients. Design a creative solution (this could be a machine, product, art, space, food type) to enhance culinary experiences in this dire situation.
BBC’s Dig in.

Thought Provoking..........I'll be checking out these links and it will be interesting to see where this takes me...........

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